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「この時代にものづくりを始めるなら、可能な限り良いものでなければならない。 それはあなたにとっても環境にとっても周囲にとっても。」 良質な材料で、美しく、環境にとっても社会にとっても適正なバランスであるもの。その想いを胸に、アパートの一室から始まった製品づくりが現在、ヨーロッパのほとんどの地域、イギリス、アメリカでも絶大な人気を得ています。

With that ambition, Marleen van den Bogaart founded her own company in 2017. Her dream was to develop a good product with a social contribution. She set out to find a good balance between commerce, beautiful products and 'doing the right thing'. She tested her products in concept stores in the Netherlands. The glass products with good quality ingredients and with a social aspect proved a great success! Marleen sold her products from her flat in the centre of Den Bosch. Soon all the rooms in her house were filled with boxes of stock and she started looking for another space to sell her products.





The path our products take is reflected on the outside. High-quality content in chic and luxurious packaging. Not for one-time use but for endless pleasure. The handmade is reflected by the use of vintage labels, minimalist but hard-wearing. The fun quotes such as 'may all your troubles be bubbles' or 'bring out the bubbles' will put a smile on your face.




Wellmark is committed to a better world, and for this reason, glass bottles were deliberately chosen. The glass not only provides a luxurious look but also has a sustainable aspect. This is because the glass bottles can be refilled or reused. Wellmark has a wide range of refill packaging, making your glass bottle a timeless item, as you don't have to throw it away! Wellmark's ambition is to keep expanding this range so that all Wellmark products can be refilled.

Wellmarkの全ての商品はヴィーガン*であり、パラペン、パーム油、 マイクロプラスティック、SLS(ラウリル硫酸ナトリウム)、SLES(ラウレス硫酸ナトリウム)を使用していません。*動物由来の成分や動物実験を一切しない。

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